来自世界上最好的巴西柔术团队——Gracie Barra 的最新巴西柔术基础教学!
\\Gracie Barra 由 Carlos Gracie Jr 所创立,培养出了无数巴西柔术的高手,是世界上最富盛名的、最受尊崇的巴西柔术团队。在这部 Gracie Barra 官方出版的教程中,为广大柔术爱好者带来了一个16周的训练课程,整套教学面向从未接触过巴西柔术的初学者,由Gracie Barra 的著名教练 Marcio Feitosa 主讲,从最基础的部分开始,一步一步为你呈现巴西柔术中的各种精彩技术,不仅仅是那些竞技性的技术,也包含了很多自卫技术,实际上,自卫技术一直是巴西柔术中的重要组成部分,而对于初学者来说,这些技术往往会比竞技类技术更让人容易接受。
\The Official Gracie Barra Fundamentals Curriculum was developed by Master Carlos Gracie Jr and taught on all Gracie Barra Premium Schools worldwide. Master Carlos shares his vision and the history of the Gracies, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Gracie Barra in a 20 minute interview. The 4 Discs Set also includes the curriculum booklet so students can track and follow up with the techniques of the week. Have access to the teaching methods that makes Gracie Barra the most prestigious, traditional, and respected Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu School in the world!
Voume 1-4 Weeks 1-16
\About Marcio Feitosa (教练马尔西奥 费图萨简介)
\learned directly from Carlos Gracie Jr., who is the founder of the Gracie Barra Academy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has more than 20 years of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teaching experience. Marcio Feitosa reached sequential podium spots for 7 years in a row at the world championships.
\He has collected many titles such as (3-times) IBJJF World BJJ Champion and ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship Champion in Abu Dhabi, Brazilian Nationals, Brazilian Team Tournament, and the Pan American Championships.
\Nowadays, Marcio Feitosa is dedicated to the Gracie Barra members as well as the head instructor for Gracie Barra International headquarters located in Irvine, California, and at the same time the Executive Director of Gracie Barra Brasil. His expertise in the Martial Arts business comes from working, managing and owning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu schools for over 20 years. Feitosa helped develop the Gracie Barra in the United States, developing the systems to manage the schools and instructional content such as the 2nd version of the Gracie Barra Fundamentals, co-founding the Gracie Barra Headquarters, and managing 8 of his own schools located in California and Texas.
\Recently, Marcio Feitosa has been ranked as one of the top 10 BJJ fighters of all time
\Marcio Feitosa was born and raised in Barra da Tijuca a famous borough in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 16, 1976. That part of the city was also home for several fighters and instructors of the Gracie Family. The Gracie family members who lived in Barra da Tijuca were Carlos Gracie Jr., Renzo Gracie, Ralph Gracie and Ryan Gracie. Marcio was only 12 years old when he began studying Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Carlos Gracie Jr just 2 years after the first Gracie Barra School was founded. Marcio trained extensively and when he reached 15, his master Carlos Gracie Junior invited him to be an assistant instructor at the gym. His hard training paid off and, with an incredible competition record already established, he received his black belt at the age of 19. Within just two years after receiving the black belt Marcio wrote his name in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sport history by winning the first Pan American BJJ games and the Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Feitosa is one of the strongest competitors of his generation winning against fighters like Urijah Faber (currently fighting as a bantamweight in the Ultimate Fighting Championship organization), Leonardo Vieira, Vitor Ribeiro, Royler Gracie, Leonardo Santos, Caol Uno, Rumina Sato, Pablo Popovitch, Matt Serra, João Roque and Marcus Aurélio Martins.
\Instructor Lineage(师承渊源)
\Mitsuyo "Count Koma" Maeda → Carlos Gracie, Sr. → Carlos Gracie Jr. → Marcio Feitosa
\Tournament Titles(比赛成绩)
\Marcio Feitosa is a Black Belt since 1996. He has been 8 times at the World Championship finals and won 3 amazing World Champion Titles. His knowledge and experience has been requested to teach seminars for Jiu-Jitsu athletes and instructors in countries as far as Japan, Brazil, Canada, England and Australia.
\Panamerican NoGI Championship Champion
\World Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2nd place
\Panamerican Championship - Champion
USA X BRASIL Challenge - Champion
ADCC WorldSumission Wrestling - Abu Dhabi ( United States) - 3rd place
\USA X BRASIL Challenge - Champion
World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - 2nd place
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
\World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
\ADCC WorldSumission Wrestling - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) - Champion
World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - 2nd place
Arnold World Gracie Submission (USA) - 2nd place
\ADCC Trials Jiu-Jitsu x Luta-Livre - Champion
ADCC World Sumission Wrestling - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) - 3rd place
World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - 2nd place
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Professional Jiu-Jitsu League - 2nd place
\ADCC Trials Jiu-Jitsu x Jiu-Jitsu Champion World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - 2nd place
Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Championship (USA) - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship by Teams - 2nd place
\Canada Jiu-Jitsu/Submission open (Canada) - Champion
World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - 2nd place
Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Championship (USA) - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship by Teams - Champion
Olimpic Arena Superfight against Vitor Shaolin Champion Pitagoras Superfight - Champion
\World Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Championship (USA) - Champion
Superfight against Royler Gracie - Champion
\Panamerican Jiu-Jitsu Championship (USA) - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship - Champion
Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Championship by Teams - Champion